<bgsound src="TruePrinceofWales(WelshCorgi).mp3" loop=infinite>
Song by Nancy Simmonds from Album "Musical Tails"

Page 2 of Corgis
from Immer Essen Farm
who have e-mailed home

Kymri Armstrong
(Vortigern x Peapod)

Bryce Moffit - Wow! (Llew x Creirwy)

Brody Wagner (Colgrin x Ceridwen)

Kerri Headley-Simmons
(Colgrin x Ceridwen)

Kerri Simmons many years later.

Peyton Manning (Llewy x Faith) and his tri sister Josie Manning

Brenna McCullough ears and all (Llewy x Gwen)

Link Farmer (Llewy x Gwen)

Burnie Davis (Piper x Cordelia)

Enzo Valenti (Colgrin x Creirwy)

Callie Curry
(Vortigern x Peapod)

Camilla Barker Bowles O'Rourke (Llew x Creirwy)

Rory O'Rourke (Volt x Imogen)

Franny Lawrimore graduating from Advanced Level Obedience!

Franny (Llew x Zoot) and Jasper (Piper x Ruff) Lawrimore and their buddy Burnie Davis

Franny and Jasper in the Snow

Gus Reidinger and HIS new puppy (Llew x Creirwy)

Reidinger Garden Pests Gus and his little sister Fiona

Gus and Fiona Reidinger all grown up - you can check out their doings - click here!

Holly and Lucy Bell

Cosmo Berarducci Mancini - 10 years old (Volt x Emmeline)

Sadie Rice (Mulberry x Goldie) experiencing her first snow

Pepper Lanning (Llew x Zoot)

Duncan Davies (Llew x Creirwy)

Berkley Pagano (Colgrin x Emmeline)

Jackson Pagano (Gwion x Ceridwen)

Berkley and Jackson Pagano in the midst of frisbeeing

Meggie Watson (Mulberry x Dove) visiting Gatlinburg

ZoomZoom Loboyko!

Conan and ZZ Loboyko (Gwion x Ceridwen & Uther x Ceridwen)

Little Brother Boone Loboyko (Jimi x Oola)

Petunia Sunich and her Boys (Llew x Creirwy)

Panda Sunich (Tali x Birdie)

Izzy Daza, relaxing after her spay day. (Llew x Creirwy)
Scout Cruz (Vortigern x Blodeuedd)

Duncan Bohannon (Gawain x Nimue)

Romeo DeLeo (Journey x Ruff)

Baxter VanKooten (Colgrin x Aife)

Angus Engram (Colgrin x Oola)

Franny Lawrimore enjoying her Christmas hat?

Tucker & Kira White and Family celebrating Christmas!

Cosmo Berarducci (Volt x Emmeline)

Holly Bell, the Christmas Elf (Llew x Creirwy)

Antlers on Wain and Gretsky Ramsey

Shadow Acre with Christmas Antlers (Tali x Faith)

Minni and Max Rhodes
(Colgrin x Oola & Uther x Nelwynn)

Troubles Elletson (2nd from left) and Christmas Pals

Bailey and Romeo Fike (and Santa!)
(Colgrin x Emmeline & Llew x Aife)

Bagel Conrad (Gawain x Oola)

Max McCarthy (Mulberry x Kestrel)

Bronwen McCarl
(Vortigern x Peapod)

Buckley Benson (Wain x Oola)

Sydney Hoskins Talley (Uther x Nelwynn)

Harley Hoskins Talley (Vortigern x Blodeuedd)

Wilson Reynolds (Vortigern x Peapod)

Dixie Lloyd (Mulberry x Faith) enjoying her new toys.

Sophia Chapman (Simon x Kitty) comfy in a coat

Sadie Markman (Llew x Aife)

Wally Markman showing off his ears (Llew x Aife)

Joey Gardiner and his BFF (Jimi x Oola)

Lenny Smith resting after a long day helping in the kitchen.

Jax Shuman and Bear Shuman
with Mysterious hands!

Cherry Condrone and her family (Jimi x Oola)
 (Tali x Faith and Llew x Zoot)
oh, we just couldn't resist - here's Romeo and Bailey Fike with the Easter Bunny!

Tucker White (Llew x Faith) with his Cardigan sister Kira White and Mom, all ready for Trick or Treat!

Simon Walker Riddle (Jimi x Daffodil)

Ozzie Chambers' first week at home (Journey x Gwen)

Romeo and Bailey Fike

If you sent us a picture, and we missed it, please let us know.

Our first page of pictures - click here!
Our third page of pictures - click here!
Our fourth page of pictures - click here!
Our fifth page of pictures - click here!

You can also visit the corgis who still live here or have been adopted as adults
by clicking on these links:
Our Corgi Girls
Our Corgi Boys

To visit our farm and see the rest of us, click on this link:
Immer Essen Farm

We can be reached by E-MAIL